Join us in celebrating the achievements and learning from the WALLET project. Our conference is dedicated to sharing the impactful tools and methodologies developed throughout our journey in enhancing financial literacy and self-awareness among disadvantaged youth. We can cover only the direct cost for organising the event, we can not cover travel or accomodation cost. We are trying broadcast the event. Stay tune!
This conference marks the culmination of our intensive efforts and collaboration across Europe. We will explore all the innovative tools created, including activities from our manual, board games, and the educational escape room. Expect insightful discussions with project partners from Portugal, Spain, and local experts.
Această conferință marchează culminarea eforturilor noastre intensive și colaborării la nivel european. Vom explora toate instrumentele inovatoare create, inclusiv activități din manualul nostru, jocuri de societate și escape room-ul educațional. Așteptați-vă la discuții perspicace cu partenerii de proiect din Portugalia, Spania și experți locali.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this transformative journey. Fill out the pre-registration form to receive updates on future initiatives and continued access to project resources. Thank You!
We thank all our partners, participants, and supporters who have made this project a success.
The European Commission support does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein